About Joanna

The artist behind Plum Design

After a career path filled with fits and starts in copywriting, marketing, nursing, and real estate, Joanna Somers landed in a needlepoint shop and found her dream job. That was in 2015, and several years later, she launched The Plum Stitchery, designing a collection of hand-painted needlepoint canvases based on her original designs and a host of artist collaborations.

Joanna’s designs are now available off the needlepoint canvas in a collection of original works, sometimes painted on torn-out pages of her favorite books, sometimes on shorn-edge cotton paper, always in what is best described as slap-dash painting. She tries to bring humor to her work and paint a little every day.

Joanna lives in Ohio with her husband, four small-ish children, and a sweet dog named Molly.